Who says you can’t have sex with clients in the jury room?

So let’s see how long it takes DA Devon Anderson to charge Chip Lewis with a crime?

  • 21.07.  PUBLIC LEWDNESS. (a) A person commits an offense if he knowingly engages in any of the following acts in a public place or, if not in a public place, he is reckless about whether another is present who will be offended or alarmed by his:

(1) act of sexual intercourse;

(2) act of deviate sexual intercourse;

(3) act of sexual contact; or

(4) act involving contact between the person’s mouth or genitals and the anus or genitals of an animal or fowl.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

7 thoughts on “Who says you can’t have sex with clients in the jury room?

  1. I will let you work it out among yourselves for now with the one comment from me.

    I told you so!

    From Murray’s blog;

    Anonymous said…
    Patsy Lykos v. Devon Anderson:

    1. Both were appointed District Judge and lost re-election. Judge Pat actually served on the bench longer: 1 point Judge Pat
    2. Neither had a successful private practice so each ran for DA and won. Judge Pat won without having been appointed first: 1 point Judge Pat
    3. Both administrations personified total managerial chaos: 0 points awarded.
    4. Devon Anderson actually tried a case and won the slam dunk; Patsy never tried a case: 1 point Devon Anderson
    5. Pat Lykos started DIVERT and stuck to her guns. Devon Anderson waffled on the issue: 1 point Pat Lykos.
    6. Pat Lykos opted not to prosecute trace cases. Devon Anderson vowed to prosecute trace cases and waffled: 1 point Pat Lykos.
    7. Pat Lykos promised to get rid of veteran prosecutors and did. Devon Anderson vowed to re-hire many of those veteran prosecutors and didn’t: 1 point for honesty, albeit poor judgment by both.
    8. Pat Lykos hired cronies for her top lieutenants. Ditto for Devon Anderson: 0 points awarded.
    9. Pat Lykos preferred her personal driver to tote her around town rather than showing up to work. Ditto for Devon Anderson. 0 points awarded.
    10. Pat Lykos vowed to be transparent, end corruption and restore integrity. She personified the antithesis. Ditto for Devon Anderson. 0 points awarded.

    Conclusion: As horrific a DA as Judge Patsy Lykos was, the troll outperformed Devon Anderson by a margin of 5:1.
    Who knew?

    March 3, 2015 at 10:17 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said…
    Who knew the ADA office was being run as poorly as the probation department? Bunch of disgruntled staff in both departments due to loss of respect for the folks in charge. Teresa ran from Dallas county right before Grits for Breakfast story broke and asst director brian is so arrogant he can’t admit he doesn’t know what he’s doing What a joke those 2 are!

    March 4, 2015 at 9:06 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said…
    Hey Dumb-Ass aka anon 10:17 at least get your facts straight.

    Devon was not appointed to the bench. She ran when Carol Davies did not seek reelection. She won a primary and a general election in 2004. After being defeated in 2008 she opened a law practice with Brock Thomas that was very successful.

    Lykos did not lose her bench. She chose not to seek re-election to run for Texas AG. She lost in the primary. She never was in private practice after leaving the bench. She sat as a visiting judge and then worked for Eckels then Emmett in the County Judge’s Office. She ran unsuccessfully for DA in 2000.

    Devon tried cases as an ADA prior to becoming a Judge.

    Lykos NEVER tried a case in her life.

    Mike, not Devon talked of rehires and did rehire some folks. Many were not interested.

    Your uninformed ranting further diminishes whatever minimal credibility you were trying to project.

    March 4, 2015 at 9:16 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said…
    Anon 9:16,
    Whoa, someone hit a nerve. Now take a big breath and exhale slowly a couple of times.

    The FACTS are a little gray on both posts so let’s fact check each of YOUR points.

    Valid corrections you submitted:
    1. Devon Anderson won one judicial election and lost her 1st bid for re-election, she was not appointed.
    2. Pat Lykos was never appointed to public office, (unlike Devon Anderson). Also, she never lost a re-election bid for a District Court bench (unlike Devon Anderson).

    Factual contradictions to your assertions:
    1. Devon Anderson campaigned touting her intent to fulfill ALL, not a select few, of the campaign promises of her late husband.
    2. Devon Anderson’s private practice was not a successful venture if measured by financial or personal fulfillment/enjoyment parameters.

    Of note, you failed to address the other allegations:
    1. Devon Anderson’s managerial style is chaotic.
    2. Devon Anderson waffled on the issues of DIVERT and trace case prosecutions.
    3. Devon Anderson hired her cronies to fill top lieutenant positions also known commonly in the community as the Girls Club/Mean Girls/Vagocrisy etc.
    4. Devon Anderson prefers her chauffeured county ride to conducting county business
    5. Devon Anderson did nothing to end corruption or restore integrity and transparency to the Office of District Attorney.

    Maybe more name calling will give you self validation.

    Just another “Dumb Ass”

    March 4, 2015 at 1:47 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said…
    Lykos was appointed to CCL 10 and the 180th.

    March 4, 2015 at 2:42 PM

  2. Is there truth to the rumor that Chip Lewis made a 30,000.00 campaign contribution to Devon Anderson? If so, this would explain the lack of a criminal investigation…

    • I think it was more when you include Mike’s campaign. I am sure Chip thinks so. There comes a point when Chip moves from ally to liability. The County facilities services has been busy sanitizing areas. I can’t wait to see if it includes Devon’s office.

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