Go vote, it’s election day!

I have worked through all the election day voter lists this morning and I am asking you to do the same.

There is a certain voter out there that waits until election day. Rack your brain and you know who they are in your world or religious community.

Join the many of us wanting to send a message tonight and go vote for Judge Lykos!


Thank You

Judge Pat Lykos District Attorney

Murray and the morons starring Ted Oberg (Updated)

Ted Oberg is a complete fool and what was left out of his story is this.  Clay Rawlings wanted a pre-trial diversion for a client who had been charged as a public servant which was rejected by Bill Exley, Terese Buess, and Maria McAnulty.  Now the problem for the galactically uninformed idiots of Oberg, Buess, Exley, and McAnulty is that Exley, Buess, and McAnulty had absolutely no authority to reject Clay Rawlings request. Say What?

Yes, you got that right the fools that called Ted about this story never had the authority or even the right to discuss the matter with Clay Rawlings.  Fools, pull out the operation manual and you will see that the only person allowed to grant a pre-trial diversion for a public servant is the 1st Assistant and the District Attorney herself. So let’s think about that for a second. Clay Rawlings gave three people the courtesy of review who should have never been involved in the first place. Now under Chuck Rosenthal the only person who had the authority to grant a pre-trial diversions for public servants was Chuck himself.

Clay was trying to do the right thing for his client and never tried to go over anyone’s head.  It’s hard to go over people’s head when they are not allowed to make a decision.  Again, pre-trial diversions involving public servants can only be made by Jim Leitner or Judge Lykos. Once again Murray Newman and the morons are wrong and has led Ted Oberg into another factually inaccurate story. So this guy wasn’t over charged as a public servant and entrapped by law-enforcement?  His crime wasn’t enhanced? Go back and watch the story.

My thinking is that there are several people who are real unhappy with their jobs and need to re-think what they do for a living. Those that told Ted about the story are known. You have to ask why or how Murray was tipped the story was going to run in the first place and what are the motivations behind Oberg’s factually inaccurate story after story concerning the DA’s office. Ted you are a true idiot and really have no credibility at this point. Nothing you have ever reported or alleged has ever been true going back to the BAT vans.

I think the morons need to take a good hard look at the polling. Anderson is about to embarrass himself badly or I should say worse than he already has.

The Fifth Amendment, James Duane

This was done a number of years ago, not long after the Senator Larry Craig toe tapping incident.  I think today Jerry Eversole and Roger Clemens come to mind when you think of those who should follow the advice of Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson.  James Duane is a law school professor who put this together for a class he teaches.  His focus was on the police, the advice is the same for a grand jury.  You be the judge of the importance of not testifying before a politically motivated grand jury.
